Most of this garbage I write
That these people seem to like
Is about you
And how I let you infect my life
And if they got to know you
I doubt that they would see it
They'd wonder what i showed you
How you could leave it
A friend said that I should stay persistant
If I stay around, im bound to break resistance
Fuck you for defining my existance
Fuck you and your differences
Ever since I was a young lad
With a part time dad
It was hard to find happiness inside of what I had
I studied my mother
I digested her pain
And vowed no woman on my path would have to walk the same
Travel like sound across the fate ladder
I travel with spoon to mix this cake batter
And i travel with feels so i can deal with touch
Its like that
Thank you very much
Fuck you very much
Getting in a million memories just to forget him
The difficulty in keeping emotions controlled
Cookies for the road
Took me by the soul
Hunger for the drama
Hunger for the nurture
Gonna take it further
The hurt feels like murder
The eyes
Read the lines on his face
The sunshine is fake
How much time did i waste?
Fuck you for leaving me
Fuck you for not needin me
I wanna say fuck you
Because i still love you
No, im not ok
And I dont know what to do
Do I sound mad?
Well I guess im a little pissed
Every action has a point
Five points make a fist
You close em
You swing em
It hurst when it hits
And the truth can be a bitch
I wanna scream Fuck you
But the problem is i love you
So instead
Ima finish my drink,and have another
While you think about how you used to be my lover
And everyone in his life would mistake it as love
That these people seem to like
Is about you
And how I let you infect my life
And if they got to know you
I doubt that they would see it
They'd wonder what i showed you
How you could leave it
A friend said that I should stay persistant
If I stay around, im bound to break resistance
Fuck you for defining my existance
Fuck you and your differences
Ever since I was a young lad
With a part time dad
It was hard to find happiness inside of what I had
I studied my mother
I digested her pain
And vowed no woman on my path would have to walk the same
Travel like sound across the fate ladder
I travel with spoon to mix this cake batter
And i travel with feels so i can deal with touch
Its like that
Thank you very much
Fuck you very much
Getting in a million memories just to forget him
The difficulty in keeping emotions controlled
Cookies for the road
Took me by the soul
Hunger for the drama
Hunger for the nurture
Gonna take it further
The hurt feels like murder
The eyes
Read the lines on his face
The sunshine is fake
How much time did i waste?
Fuck you for leaving me
Fuck you for not needin me
I wanna say fuck you
Because i still love you
No, im not ok
And I dont know what to do
Do I sound mad?
Well I guess im a little pissed
Every action has a point
Five points make a fist
You close em
You swing em
It hurst when it hits
And the truth can be a bitch
I wanna scream Fuck you
But the problem is i love you
So instead
Ima finish my drink,and have another
While you think about how you used to be my lover
And everyone in his life would mistake it as love
tänkte bara säga att
kärlek är för idioter som inte fattat att inget varar för evigt! det är min åsikt.
tacka vet jag riktiga vänner, dom är så mycket bättre att ha!
tacka vet jag riktiga vänner, dom är så mycket bättre att ha!
light years away
It's almost like you had it planned
It's like you smiled and shook my hand and said
"Hey, I'm about to screw you over big time"
And what was I supposed to do?
I was stuck in between you and hard place
We won't talk about the hard place
But I don't blame you anymore
That's too much pain to store
It left me half dead
Inside my head
And boy, looking back I see
I'm not the girl I used to be
When I lost my mind
It saved my life
I think that I cried for days
But now that seems light years away
And I'm never going back
To who I was
bara för att...
It's like you smiled and shook my hand and said
"Hey, I'm about to screw you over big time"
And what was I supposed to do?
I was stuck in between you and hard place
We won't talk about the hard place
But I don't blame you anymore
That's too much pain to store
It left me half dead
Inside my head
And boy, looking back I see
I'm not the girl I used to be
When I lost my mind
It saved my life
I think that I cried for days
But now that seems light years away
And I'm never going back
To who I was
bara för att...
Nytt år, nya möjligheter! Jag ska verkligen försöka göra det här året till ett bättre än det förra, för 2007 är nog mitt tråkigaste och deppigaste år ever!
Nyårsafton var för EN gångs skull riktigt kul! Kors i taket säger jag bara, för det brukar alltid suga! Men icket i år.
Och för övrigt så sitter jag och äter middag nu, och klockan är två på natten, vad kasst av mig! Men så blir det när man råkar sova till klockan 16, äter frukost vid 16.30 och jobbar mellan 18-23.. tur att det inte händer alltför ofta. Nu ska jag iaf försöka sova så jag tar mig upp och jobba i morron också!
sleep tight tonight
Nyårsafton var för EN gångs skull riktigt kul! Kors i taket säger jag bara, för det brukar alltid suga! Men icket i år.
Och för övrigt så sitter jag och äter middag nu, och klockan är två på natten, vad kasst av mig! Men så blir det när man råkar sova till klockan 16, äter frukost vid 16.30 och jobbar mellan 18-23.. tur att det inte händer alltför ofta. Nu ska jag iaf försöka sova så jag tar mig upp och jobba i morron också!
sleep tight tonight